Clean your child’s genitals or the Mitrofanoff stoma every day, when bathing and showering, and before each catheterization. Your child should participate in this care, if able.
Use a washcloth, warm water and mild body soap, that is fragrance and additive free (eg, “Dove”).
Do not use antiseptic soap because it can irritate the skin and cause infection.
Girls: open the labia gently, clean the vulva, inner labia and the perineum to the anus (going from front to back); rinse with water in the same way.
Boys: clean the penis, including the area under the fold of the foreskin if uncircumcised; rinse with water.
Mitrofanoff stoma: gently wash the stoma and the skin around the stoma and rinse with water.
Baby wipes that are fragrance and additive free can be used, without rinsing, for cleaning or before catheterization.
Your child may take a bath, shower or swim without special care.
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