Having a child with medically complex needs is not easy – and even when parents/caregivers develop excellent skills in providing specific care, other problems – especially those relating to the child’s behaviour – can and do arise. For example, children may:

Oppose or refuse care
Move around so much that care cannot be provided safely
Refuse to take medications
Request unreasonable rewards if they comply with the treatment (eg, money or expensive toys)
Display other “undesirable” behaviours…

If your child is demonstrating these types of behaviours, please discuss this with your health care team and ask if a member of the team, such as a child psychologist, child life worker, social worker or nurse would be able to help you find solutions that fit your child specifically.  If you do nothing, and the behaviours persist, they often get worse with time and create negative stress – for you, your child and also for the family.

To get you started, see below for common behaviour problems, and tips on dealing with them.

Contact us if there are other behavioural problems that you would like addressed here. Always seek the advice of your child’s healthcare team for specific advice relating to your child and family.

Refusal to cooperate with care

Refusal to take required medications

Difficulty in engaging the child in discussion about his/her medical issues

Difficulty separating from the parent

Refusal to go sleep (or stay asleep alone)